Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Durian Fruit

In general, Indonesian people young and old, big-small is very know better than smell of durian fruit was terrible as well as from physical forms that look "terrifying". smell and physical form is what durian fruit is easy to make known and sometimes make people has special memories with this fruit because it was struck by the smell a very sharp when the fruit is opened from the skin so that people find it difficult to forget those memories. For people who have felt the delicious meal durian fruit (sometimes sweet, slightly bitter and fruit flesh soft) can make people yearn to taste the fruit if the season durian has come. Memories is what can make the durian fruit is always remembered people were injured when opening experience besides durian fruit because the sharp thorns pierced or have a severe struggle to open fruit. Besides durian fruit eaten directly, can also be eaten when eat rice (durian fruit to complement eat rice).

Durian (Durio zibethinus, Murr) is a plant including family Bombacaseae native of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. In Indonesia, the center of genetic diversity located in East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, and then spread to all regions in Java and Sumatra, so familiar to the public.

Preventing Drunk
Durian fruit is interesting to discuss. If seen its physical form came to a frightening thorns and ready to pierce. But after the split and looks it, very different from the physical form of a hard, spiny. contents durian is ripe, the flesh soft, sweet, slightly bitter, and smelled a "typical".
Durian has a variety of fruit smell and flavor of meat. Men have different tastes of fruit smell and flavor of meat. there groups who wanted to try it taste the fruit flesh, this group did not belong to "merry durian", but some only want to eat durian its sweet meat or even some only like durian flesh bitter. There's even a merry durian to be sick. Well, in the This situation will appear nausea, dizziness, cold sweat, pallor. This condition is extremely unpleasant. They say their ancestors remind after eat a lot of durian flesh, immediately drink water (which can not cooked) with a platform from the inside of the durian skin. He will try this way to be free from the dangers of drunk durian.

Addressing Smell
The people generally know durian, but not necessarily happy meal durian. Sometimes dizziness smelled smell alone was much less to taste flesh will never succeed. Because the rich aroma and attached, so people often shy away when the vehicles (like cars) there are passengers who bring durian because the smell would spread and cause people to become dizzy, after his durian smell is still there smelled.
For those who can enjoy the smell of durian is no problem but it will be problem if you eat durian then his fingers still attached to the smell of durian. After washing thoroughly with soap cleanser, it still can not lose the smell. If so upset that people will also eat bananas but the smell of durian. For durian maniac, do not worry because there is a very easy way to overcome them. There is no need to use herbs or herbal blends deodorizing durian but simply by washing hands with water without using soap or other washing materials, this method is very easy to do.

Pickled Durian (Tempoyak)
People in rural areas have found ways to overcome the advantage that is durian make a pickle fruit durian (pongge), which is done is separate the meat durian fruit from the seeds and pulp into the container (not from aluminum-containing material) ± 2 cm thick and sprinkled salt on it finely and evenly granulated sugar. Then coated with pulp durian seeds were separated from ± 2 cm thick and sprinkled salt on it sugar sand smooth and evenly. Then covered with flesh as has been done before, to taste (platform not too full) and the surface is covered with banana leaves and cover tightly. pickle aroma can be enjoyed after a "blessing".

Pickled durian by residents in South Sumatra called Tempoyak. maxim say if it has been eating tempoyak, then forget the hardship due to eating tempoyak can increase appetite and pleasure. But the adage is certainly only applies to people who have been accustomed to enjoying tempoyak.
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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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