Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Coco-Softdrink: Health Drink of Water Coconut

Amid the increasing consumption of a wide range of soft drinks labeled "health drink" by society, opens an opportunity for produce a natural health drink of coconut water. drinks known as coco-cola has difficulty healing properties urination (urinaruy disorders). Pioneering nature of this soft drink industry is a company in the Philippines, which is known as one of industrialized countries of the world's major palm.

The production of coco-cola is the opportunity utilization of coconut water waste (old) which has been much wasted. In Indonesia, the utilization of coconut water waste still very limited, the most prominent is just as raw nata de coco or "Sari Coconut". Despite the fact that coconut water can be processed further to produce acetic acid (vinegar), alcohol, wine, and fluid infusion.
Coconut water from coconuts over the age of 7 months usually has a special flavor. Enough sweetness and is supported by coconut flavor typical. Addition of coconut water contains substances sharing food (nutrients) that important, such as: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, sugar, acid ascorbic acid, fat, carbohydrates and other minerals.

Development of coconut water soft drinks is driven by the passion the community of young coconut water as relieving thirst. However, unlike the water young coconut, which has lost its old sweetness - and often taste salty, although still quite strong coconut flavor. Therein lies the challenge, how to improve the flavor of coconut milk to equal the flavor of old young.

To achieve the expected taste, it turns out not to be done only the addition of sugar, but also must be done "arrangement" degrees acidity (pH) of 4.2 and total dissolved solids of 10-12%, and sodium citrate content of 0.1 -0.15%. Treatment processes to achieve above conditions is done in several stages. The first fresh coconut water filtered and then pasteurized. Furthermore, adjusting the total dissolved solids and pH by the addition of sugars and acids - as well as materials preservative. This solution was then centrifuged (mess around) and pasteurized once again. Finally, the product can be packaged in cartons or bottles. product It also can dikarbonasi (CO2).

Screening is intended to separate the impurities mixed in water coconut, coconut husk chips for example, hair etc workers. Pasteurisation will kill microorganisms that can ferment and agglomerate some compounds present in coconut water. Finally, centrifugation is required to clear this fluid. If pasteurization is done well then the product This will be able to survive for 6 months or more in storage at room temperature (28-32° C). Based on the survey in the Philippines, coco-cola products favored by consumers - especially those dikarbonasi.
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